Our guiding principle
While recruiting new members, we do our best to make you feel comfortable and interactive. We ensure that the interview is a good experience for you rather than a mechanical meeting bound with protocols and rules. To us, your talent, ideologies and character matter more than anything else.
What do we aim to achieve?
Keep it short and sweet: that’s the motto we follow in our interview process. There are three stages for all candidates to conquer with detailed steps ingrained within each. During this interview, we want to relax and get to know you while sharing a bit about ourselves, too. What’s your personality like? Are you a keen learner? Do you like challenging yourself? All of this will help us assess whether you are a suitable fit for our company.

A little advice
Familiarising yourself with a company’s interview process is one way to do away with your nervousness. This is why our recruitment personnel have a few tips and tricks to help you feel relaxed before your interview. After all, we want you to feel comfortable and confident when you sit down with us.

Be candid
As we mentioned, in the interview process we simply want to be able to get to know you. Thus, show us the real you without any filters or restrictions. We will maintain a casual conversation at this stage, so feel free to express yourself honestly, and clarify any doubts you may have about the work we do at TechnoIdentity.
Tell us about your experiences
An updated Resume is always well-appreciated, however, we want you to know that we do not judge your performance solely on the basis of your LinkedIn profile or years of experience. Instead, we follow a holistic approach and review candidates based on what and how they can contribute to our company. So, if you want to amaze us, tell us about your journey, the things you’ve learnt along the way and how you respond to conflict or challenging situations.

We’re more than just Tech
At TechnoIdentity, we admire people who invest their time in understanding diverse topics and formulate their own opinions about them. When you come in for an interview, we will be engaging in meaningful conversation revolving around social issues, your standpoint on the evolution of technology and much more. This is our way of getting to know you on a more personal level.
Good luck for your interview!
Every person you encounter during the interview process will spend time trying to get to know you and what you have to offer to our company. Over the years, TechnoIdentity has hand-selected people to build a community that is passionate, determined and committed to our goals. We hope your characteristics align with what we’re looking for, and good luck for your interview!